

The best thing is the energy you don’t even need in the first place.

Martin Pletscher, Managing Director M. Pletscher GmbH, Winterthur – CH


The temperatures are rising, our summers are getting hotter and hotter. However, with every rising degree Celsius, performance during the day and sleeping comfort at night decreases. As a result, more and more air conditioning systems are being used both in commercial construction and in the private sector.

However, building cooling with refrigeration systems continues to heat up the earth’s atmosphere. Modern ventilation systems must therefore not only provide reliable cooling performance, but also operate in an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly manner.

With Softcool, the supply air is cooled very effectively by optimum humidification of the plate exchanger in the exhaust air. Ideally, two litres of water produce 1 kW cooling capacity without moisture entering the supply air.

The Softcool advantages at a glance
  • Highest Efficiency

    Maximum energy saving and environmental relief with minimum power consumption.

  • Environmentally Friendly Cooling

    Supply air cooling by 12K without environmentally harmful refrigerant.

  • Minimum Maintenance Effort

    Spraying unit with automatic cleaning function, the heat exchanger remains clean and always provides maximum performance. Maintenance costs are eliminated.

  • Low Investment Costs

    Through double use in summer and winter.

  • Simple Installation

    Dimensions exactly to the size of each ventilation unit.

  • No Hygieneproblems

    No basin, no pumping, no blow-down necessary.

  • Original Service

    Service for commissioning and optional for maintenance.

Functional Principle

Adiabatic cooling is achieved by spraying a fine water film onto the hydrophilic coated exchanger surface on the exhaust air side. A technology that has proven itself in a wide range of applications – efficient and requires low maintenance.